This is What it Sounds Like When Doves Cry...

Friday, September 08, 2006

This is What it Sounds Like When Doves Cry...


Tonight I’m going to Opia for my buddy Alex Lolli’s High Life Party. Alex’s High Life group is a cool group of upscale young NYC professionals in their 20’s to 30’s. The women like to talk about investing time in long term relationships and the guys like to discuss enjoying, taking care of and cherishing their girls for about 3 weeks at a clip. Just kidding, who would ever admit this?

Of course if you feel adventurous you can spend tomorrow doing a Bike Ride and Wine Tasting with Adventure Society a group of mostly 30-something professional women. They don’t really care about parties unless it’s in a private loft with really hot young Euro guys in the hedge fund industry who just want to find one great woman to live with forever, in Paris. They are so realistic.

Then Saturday if you have a dog you should do the Dog Days of Summer Party at The Dog Run. Is it possible to love your dog(s) too much? Cause once I went up to my date’s apartment and her cocker spaniel started licking her face. I got completely turned off. Then she told me that dog saliva is cleaner than human saliva. But I digress…

What’s really going to be a great party is Hillary Flowers Fashion Show at Amazon, tomorrow Saturday at Amazon. Hillary posted a couple of Ads for models on the internet and got 250 responses from 18-26 year old model types living in NYC from places like Robert Lea, Kansas City, Moldova and Prague. Apparently the best looking girls from these arcane little towns around the world come to New York with nothing but a pretty face, skinny body and a huge hope that someone will discover them for the unique beautiful snow flakes that they are then make them famous. I think most would settle for a generous boyfriend, especially when the rent is due. Any takers?

So let me ask you this – What would you really like to find when you go out to these various charities, social club parties, weekend adventure trips and fashion shows?


Blogger PaulineyM said...

So are the hedge fund guys the It guys, the hot commodities nowadays? I guess being a physician or an attorney is so 1980s...and not in a good way.

5:09 PM  

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